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"Online Linux Terminals"
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. "Online Linux Terminals" +/
Сообщение от Anonim (??), 11-Апр-23, 13:06 
> is it important to use it with Linux OS?

Yes. Main Linux administration tool is Shell language at command line interface (CLI). Because of it you need good terminal emulator. And there are plenty of them for Linux.

As of my last experience there was no perfect implementation of terminal emulator for Win. All of Win implementations are not so good as native ones for Linux or Mac.

- Command line interface is great when you know what is available.
- Graphics UI is great when you do not know with what you are working.

In order to be a good eng. you need to know well a system you are working with. Because of it there is no way not to end up with usage of terminal as the OS intended to be managed at CLI with scripting language known as Shell. Or you are not a good engineer at finish.

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Online Linux Terminals, palak231, 09-Сен-22, 15:22  [смотреть все]
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