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"Rust включён в число основных языков для разработки платформы Android"
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. "Rust включён в число основных языков для разработки платформ..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Denver (??), 07-Апр-21, 18:31 

Is the FreeBSD team interested in using safer languages like Rust to improve security? Baldwin did not see this as the primary route to more memory safety. "One of the things I work on is a project at Cambridge called CHERI (Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions) that allow us to push special memory safety into the processor itself, so that you're able to have a much safer version of C itself.

"And that will compose well with languages like Rust. It means we can take the safeness of the language and enforce it further down the stack than we currently can. So my personal bias is I think CHERI is going to be a better solution. FreeBSD is largely written in C and we were able to run the whole base system on CHERI. So we have all of that C code running as a safer C. I think that's the more likely future way to get memory-safe systems."

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Rust включён в число основных языков для разработки платформы Android, opennews, 07-Апр-21, 14:21  [смотреть все]
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