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"Gitter переходит в экосистему Matrix и объединяется с Matrix-клиентом Element"
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. "Gitter переходит в экосистему Matrix и объединяется с Matrix..." +3 +/
Сообщение от IRASoldier_registered (ok), 30-Сен-20, 22:46 


"The French government's Matrix-based system, Tchap, supports 300K users. The German states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg are implementing a Matrix-based solution for 500K users across their public offices and education sector, and Germany's Bundeswehr is switching to Matrix to modernise its communications."

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"Element, a European rival to workplace messaging app Slack, has won the world’s largest-ever single contract for a collaborative software service, supplying half a million licences to help communication in the German education system."

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Gitter переходит в экосистему Matrix и объединяется с Matrix-клиентом Element, opennews, 30-Сен-20, 22:04  [смотреть все]
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