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"Новая версия Git 2.28, позволяющая не использовать имя 'master' для основных веток"
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. "Новая версия Git 2.28, позволяющая не использовать имя maste..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (176), 01-Авг-20, 00:40 
SJW раздувают китайцы через свою пропаганду.

> Such a fucking disgusting sub (/r/sina - прим. моё). The entire community exists around pointing out America’s history with slavery and the current institutionalized discrimination as if it in anyway mitigates the fact that their autocratic sociopathic government is systematically rounding people up, shipping them off to god knows where to be shaved, starved, castrated, organ-harvested, and slaughtered.
> ...Also the claim was that I was using my white privilege (what the fuck?) Literally nothing I said was "white" or a "privilege", it was just straight up facts from worldometer and asking their thoughts...

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Новая версия Git 2.28, позволяющая не использовать имя 'master' для основных веток, opennews, 27-Июл-20, 23:34  [смотреть все]
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