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"В Glibc обнаружена серьезная уязвимость"
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. "В Glibc обнаружена серьезная уязвимость" +/
Сообщение от taaroa (ok), 24-Окт-10, 13:14 
>PaX - набор сторонних патчей на постоянно развивающееся ядро, количество разработчиков - ОДИН. Grsecurity - тоже набор патчей на то же ядро, количество разработчиков - ОДИН. Итого ДВА человека успевают вовремя и качественно адаптировать и дополнять свои патчи на изменчивую и неподконтрольную им кодовую базу.

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Slo-Tech: Could you please describe in few words what is PaX and GRSecurity and how many people are involved in those projects.

Brad Spengler: PaX is a beast that has changed the shape of security drastically already and has even more tricks up its sleeve to change it even further sometime in the near future. It focuses itself with the generic eradication of exploitation against a number of bug classes. Some of that work is still incomplete, but that will (hopefully) change and then another 8 years from now everyone else will catch on. PaX focuses entirely on the exploitation of memory, whereas grsecurity adds in other host-based defenses and adds extra support to the features of PaX (bruteforce deterrence, anti-infoleaking of ASLR, not allowing arbitrary code execution at the filesystem level) that are needed to reap extra benefits from PaX. Grsecurity includes a lot of "set it and forget it"-type automatic features (the wiki has a listing) as well as an easy to use RBAC system that tries to make it easy to generate good policies via learning (per process, per user, or per system -- your choice) while at the same time trying to prevent the admin from shooting themselves in the foot (a large number of security checks are done against the policy at load time to prevent attack vectors that would make the entire point of using RBAC useless). The policies are human readable, and the error messages should be useful in describing attacks that are the reason for configuring the policy a particular way.

PaX has an unknown number of people involved! Hence PaX Team -- it's definitely at least one person :) For the grsecurity side it's just me. Occasionally I do get patch submissions (like from Zbyniu Krzystolik) or sponsors/friends will tell me something they want added to it, but other than that all the coding/new features etc are done by me.

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В Glibc обнаружена серьезная уязвимость, opennews, 19-Окт-10, 15:03  [смотреть все]
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