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"Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.73"
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. "Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.73" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (298), 07-Окт-23, 14:21 
>> The Rust Foundation is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to stewarding the Rust programming language, nurturing the Rust ecosystem, and supporting the set of maintainers governing and developing the project.
> ...независимый совет директоров с директорами из Amazon, Google и Microsoft. Очень такой независимый.

>> Membership in the steering committee is a personal membership. Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only; steering committee members do not represent their employers or academic institutions. Generally speaking, committee members were chosen to represent the interests of communities (e.g. Fortran users, embedded systems developers, kernel hackers), not companies.
> Этодругое!


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Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.73, opennews, 05-Окт-23, 22:57  [смотреть все]
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