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"Атака на немецкие компания через NPM-пакеты"
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. "Атака на немецкие компании через NPM-пакеты" +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (6), 13-Май-22, 10:59 
Судя по всему, это был пентестер, а подстановка была запланированной проверкой:

On Wednesday, just hours before both JFrog and ReversingLabs posted blogs here and here, a penetration testing boutique named Code White took credit for the packages.

“Tnx for your excellent analysis,” the firm said in a tweet that addressed Snyk and cited its blog post from last month. “And don't worry, the ‘malicious actor’ is one of our interns 😎 who was tasked to research dependency confusion as part of our continuous attack simulations for clients. To clarify your questions: we're trying to mimic realistic threat actors for dedicated clients as part of our Security Intelligence Service and we brought our ‘own’ package manager that supports yarn and npm.”


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Атака на немецкие компания через NPM-пакеты, opennews, 13-Май-22, 10:41  [смотреть все]
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