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"Мультимедийная библиотека SDL переходит на использование Wayland по умолчанию"
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. "Мультимедийная библиотека SDL переходит на использование Way..." +/
Сообщение от lockywolf (ok), 28-Янв-22, 04:45 
> Десктопом это, разумеется, не называлось. Это метафора высосана из пальца microsoft.

Неправда ваша.

The desktop metaphor was first introduced by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1970 and elaborated in a series of innovative software applications developed by PARC scientists throughout the ensuing decade. The first computer to use an early version of the desktop metaphor was the experimental Xerox Alto,[2][3] and the first commercial computer that adopted this kind of interface was the Xerox Star. The use of window controls to contain related information predates the desktop metaphor, with a primitive version appearing in Douglas Engelbart's "Mother of All Demos",[4] though it was incorporated by PARC in the environment of the Smalltalk language.[5]

One of the first desktop-like interfaces on the market was a program called Magic Desk I. Built as a cartridge for the Commodore 64 home computer in 1983, a very primitive GUI presented a low resolution sketch of a desktop, complete with telephone, drawers, calculator, etc.

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Мультимедийная библиотека SDL переходит на использование Wayland по умолчанию, opennews, 27-Янв-22, 10:23  [смотреть все]
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