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"Раздел полезных советов: MySQL - квотирование баз  под FreeBSD"
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. "MySQL - квотирование баз  под FreeBSD" +/
Сообщение от chesnok (ok), 02-Сен-09, 00:07 
на п0нTаL0o0n-хостинге у бородачей работает скрипт:

use lib qw(/site/perl/lib /site/perl/sys);
use strict; use AGAVA::Hosting::Config; use AGAVA::DBI; use AGAVA::Hosting::HostingData;
use Data::Dumper; use AGAVA::Hosting::Utils;

     open(STDERR, ">>/home/r/");

#exit 1;
my $cfg = new AGAVA::Hosting::Config;
my $dbh = AGAVA::DBI->connect(AGAVA::Hosting::Config->new());
my $dbh1 = AGAVA::DBI->connect(AGAVA::Config->new($cfg, $cfg->get('MYSQL_DB_CONF'))) or return undef;
my $sth;
my $adomain = $cfg->get('DEFAULT_ADOMAIN');
my $adomain1 = $adomain;
$adomain =~ s/\./\\./;
my $hd = AGAVA::Hosting::HostingData->new();

my $take_update = 0;

trace("Start disk_usage_mysql_quota [ ***** ]");

my $count;
my $count1;
my $count2;
my $count0;
my $count3;
my %disc_quota = undef;
my %mega_hash_nah1 = undef;
open (FH, "< /etc/passwd") or die ("err1 !!!");
while (<FH>)
        if($_ =~ /^(.*):\*:(\d+):\d+:.*\.$adomain:\/home\/.{1}\/.*\.$adomain:.*$/)
                $mega_hash_nah1{$2} = $1;
close FH;

my $repquota_cmd = $cfg->get('REPQUOTA_CMD');
my $first_uid = $cfg->get('START_UID');
my $last_uid = $cfg->get('LAST_UID');

open(my $repquota_fh, "$repquota_cmd |");
while (my $line = <$repquota_fh>)
        my ($uid,undef,$sz,undef,$max_sz,undef,$nm,undef,$max_nm) = split(/\s+/,$line);
        if (($first_uid <= $uid) and ($last_uid >= $uid))
                my $name;
                if ($name = $mega_hash_nah1{$uid})
                        $disc_quota{$name} = {used => $sz, allow => $max_sz};
close $repquota_fh;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select name,domain,db,inodes,du_limit from hpersons where status <> 'a'");

while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
        if (defined($data->{name}) and defined($data->{domain}))
                if ($data->{db})
                        my $done_changes = 0;
                        my $quota = $disc_quota{$data->{name}};
                        my $used = 0;
                        my $quota_cmd = sprintf($cfg->get('DB_SIZE_CMD'),$data->{name});
                        open(my $rc_quota_cmd, "$quota_cmd |");
                        my $rc = <$rc_quota_cmd>;
                        close $rc_quota_cmd;
                        my ($used,@tmp) = split(/\s+/,$rc);
                        if ($used eq "NO_DB")
                                my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set db = ? where name = ?');
                        unless ($used =~ /\d+/) { $used = 0;}
                        $used = $used + $quota->{used};

                        #warn " -- $used -- \n";
                        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set quota = ? where name = ?');

                        if($used <= $quota->{allow})
                                $done_changes = 1;

                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='Y', Create_priv='Y', Update_priv='Y' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='Y', Create_priv='Y' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");

                        elsif($used >= $quota->{allow})
                                $done_changes = 1;

                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='N', Create_priv='N', Update_priv='N' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='N', Create_priv='N' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                #trace("block [ ".$data->{name}." ] : used [ $used ] : allow [".$quota->{allow}."]");

                                $dbh1->do("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
                        my $tmp = $disc_quota{$data->{name}};
                        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set quota = ? where name = ?');
trace("End disk_usage_mysql_quota [ ***** ]");

sub trace
    my $msg = shift;
    warn "[ ".localtime()." ] $msg \n";

#print $count0."\n";
#print $count."\n";
#print $count1."\n";
#print $count2."\n";
#print $count3."\n";
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$ clear
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$ cat /site/Hosting/scripts/
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$ clear
[ithelp8@entropy17 ~]$ cat /site/Hosting/scripts/
use lib qw(/site/perl/lib /site/perl/sys);
use strict; use AGAVA::Hosting::Config; use AGAVA::DBI; use AGAVA::Hosting::HostingData;
use Data::Dumper; use AGAVA::Hosting::Utils;

     open(STDERR, ">>/home/r/");

#exit 1;
my $cfg = new AGAVA::Hosting::Config;
my $dbh = AGAVA::DBI->connect(AGAVA::Hosting::Config->new());
my $dbh1 = AGAVA::DBI->connect(AGAVA::Config->new($cfg, $cfg->get('MYSQL_DB_CONF'))) or return undef;
my $sth;
my $adomain = $cfg->get('DEFAULT_ADOMAIN');
my $adomain1 = $adomain;
$adomain =~ s/\./\\./;
my $hd = AGAVA::Hosting::HostingData->new();

my $take_update = 0;

trace("Start disk_usage_mysql_quota [ ***** ]");

my $count;
my $count1;
my $count2;
my $count0;
my $count3;
my %disc_quota = undef;
my %mega_hash_nah1 = undef;
open (FH, "< /etc/passwd") or die ("err1 !!!");
while (<FH>)
        if($_ =~ /^(.*):\*:(\d+):\d+:.*\.$adomain:\/home\/.{1}\/.*\.$adomain:.*$/)
                $mega_hash_nah1{$2} = $1;
close FH;

my $repquota_cmd = $cfg->get('REPQUOTA_CMD');
my $first_uid = $cfg->get('START_UID');
my $last_uid = $cfg->get('LAST_UID');

open(my $repquota_fh, "$repquota_cmd |");
while (my $line = <$repquota_fh>)
        my ($uid,undef,$sz,undef,$max_sz,undef,$nm,undef,$max_nm) = split(/\s+/,$line);
        if (($first_uid <= $uid) and ($last_uid >= $uid))
                my $name;
                if ($name = $mega_hash_nah1{$uid})
                        $disc_quota{$name} = {used => $sz, allow => $max_sz};
close $repquota_fh;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select name,domain,db,inodes,du_limit from hpersons where status <> 'a'");

while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
        if (defined($data->{name}) and defined($data->{domain}))
                if ($data->{db})
                        my $done_changes = 0;
                        my $quota = $disc_quota{$data->{name}};
                        my $used = 0;
                        my $quota_cmd = sprintf($cfg->get('DB_SIZE_CMD'),$data->{name});
                        open(my $rc_quota_cmd, "$quota_cmd |");
                        my $rc = <$rc_quota_cmd>;
                        close $rc_quota_cmd;
                        my ($used,@tmp) = split(/\s+/,$rc);
                        if ($used eq "NO_DB")
                                my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set db = ? where name = ?');
                        unless ($used =~ /\d+/) { $used = 0;}
                        $used = $used + $quota->{used};

                        #warn " -- $used -- \n";
                        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set quota = ? where name = ?');

                        if($used <= $quota->{allow})
                                $done_changes = 1;

                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='Y', Create_priv='Y', Update_priv='Y' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='Y', Create_priv='Y' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");

                        elsif($used >= $quota->{allow})
                                $done_changes = 1;

                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='N', Create_priv='N', Update_priv='N' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                        $dbh1->do("UPDATE db SET Insert_priv='N', Create_priv='N' WHERE Db='$data->{name}'");
                                #trace("block [ ".$data->{name}." ] : used [ $used ] : allow [".$quota->{allow}."]");

                                $dbh1->do("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
                        my $tmp = $disc_quota{$data->{name}};
                        my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('update hpersons set quota = ? where name = ?');
trace("End disk_usage_mysql_quota [ ***** ]");

sub trace
    my $msg = shift;
    warn "[ ".localtime()." ] $msg \n";

#print $count0."\n";
#print $count."\n";
#print $count1."\n";
#print $count2."\n";
#print $count3."\n"

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Раздел полезных советов: MySQL - квотирование баз  под FreeBSD, auto_tips, 27-Окт-05, 22:55  [смотреть все]
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