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"Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.6"
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. "Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.6" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (144), 11-Июл-21, 17:18 
А это твой любимый race condition в официальной документации mysql:

Data loss is possible if redo log files and data files reside on different storage devices, and an unexpected exit occurs before data file writes are flushed from a device cache that is not battery-backed. If you use or intend to use different storage devices for redo log files and data files, and your data files reside on a device with a cache that is not battery-backed, use O_DIRECT instead.

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Стабильный выпуск СУБД MariaDB 10.6, opennews, 09-Июл-21, 10:08  [смотреть все]
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