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GitHub представил службу для защиты разработчиков от необоснованных DMCA-блокировок, opennews (ok), 28-Июл-21, (0) [смотреть все]

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142. "GitHub учредил службу для защиты разработчиков от необоснова..."  +/
Сообщение от InuYasha (??), 30-Июл-21, 11:18 
Мне тоже понравилось. И tor-тик будет ) И песенку споём:

Young man, when you face a takedown
I said, young man, move your data from cloud
I said, young man, cause your repo is fried
Things becoming too unhappy
Young man, there's a place you can go
I said, young man, when you're short on your code
You can use torrents, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time

It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
They have everything for young men to feel worse
You can hang out with all the laws
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
You can get yourself jailed, you can have yourself killed
They don't care how you really feel

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143. "GitHub учредил службу для защиты разработчиков от необоснова..."  +/
Сообщение от InuYasha (??), 30-Июл-21, 11:19 
[Verse 2]
Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, do you want to be free?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams
But you got to know this one thing
You can do it all by yourself
I said, young man, pick your drive from the shelf
And just go out, fight the D.M.C.A
I'm sure we can help you today

It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
They have everything for young men to feel worse
You can hang out with all the laws
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
It's sad to stare at the D.M.C.A
You can get yourself jailed, you can have yourself killed
They don't care how you really feel

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149. "GitHub учредил службу для защиты разработчиков от необоснова..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (149), 31-Июл-21, 00:04 
Спасибо, поднял настроение :-) 🕺
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