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"Linux сборка со статической линковкой"
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. "Linux сборка со статической линковкой" +/
Сообщение от static2020 (ok), 29-Дек-20, 13:37 
> Grsecurity and gradm are licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 only.
> Know your rights! As a customer of any product that uses grsecurity
> in binary form, you are entitled to the complete corresponding source
> code. Companies who do not ship the complete corresponding source code
> alongside distributed binaries must provide you with a written offer for
> the source code transferrable to any other person and valid for
> three years. Please report any violations of our GPL license to
> We require that all our customers comply with the GPL.

Реальность такова, что ни один из патчей по ссылке скачать без авторизации невозможно!

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Linux сборка со статической линковкой, static2020, 19-Дек-20, 13:23  [смотреть все]
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