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"размтка дисков в RAID1 Clonzilla dd + GParted"
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. "размтка дисков в RAID1 Clonzilla dd + GParted" +1 +/
Сообщение от eRIC (ok), 14-Ноя-19, 14:37 
If the target disk size is larger than the size of source disk of image, you can try to use option "-k1" which will create the partition table proportionally in the target disk and turn on option "-r" to resize the file file system in the partition automatically. This is useful to make use all of the target disk size.
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размтка дисков в RAID1 Clonzilla dd + GParted, Isothiocyanate, 14-Ноя-19, 11:45  [смотреть все]
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