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"Samba разрешить доступ всем"
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Форум Samba, вопросы интеграции Unix и Windows
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. "Samba разрешить доступ всем" +/
Сообщение от dgdeeperemail (ok), 28-Фев-11, 17:18 
>> /dev/sdb1 /mnt/fileserver ext4 rw,noexec,user 0 0
>> как дать права на доступ гостю и к нему?
> Вопрос не ясен. Речь идёт только о Samba или о локальном доступе?
> Как общая рекомендация man chmod.

локально доступ есть
а через самбу раздел не расшаривается

  workgroup = workgroup1                                                        
  netbios name = fs                                                              
  null passwords = Yes                                                          
  guest ok = Yes                                                                
  security = share                                                              
  encrypt passwords = Yes                                                        
  path = /home/pub                                                              
  public = yes                                                                  
  read only = no                                                                
  write list = sambik                                                            
  case sensitive = yes                                                          
  force user = sambik                                                            
writable = yes                                                                  
path = /mnt/fileserver                                                          
public = yes                                                                    
read only = no                                                                  
write list = sambik                                                              
case sensitive = yes                                                            
force user = sambik  

[root@localhost sambik]# smbclient //
Enter sambik's password:
Domain=[WORKGROUP1] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.6-71.fc14]
Server not using user level security and no password supplied.
smb: \>

[root@localhost sambik]# smbclient //
Enter sambik's password:
Domain=[WORKGROUP1] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.6-71.fc14]
Server not using user level security and no password supplied.
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME
[root@localhost sambik]#

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Samba разрешить доступ всем, dgdeeper, 20-Фев-11, 02:18  [смотреть все]
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